Fran Market

Fran Mugazine


10-ounce diner-style mug from which you can drink anything: coffee (hot), coffee (iced), tea (hot), water, Diet Coke, root beer, and many more delicious beverages or "mug cake" (? are people still doing this) of your choosing. Fran Mugazine is dishwasher safe, but regular fragile which means if you drop it... well, RIP. Sips great!

The only available shipping is Media Mail, because it is affordable for low-volume sales like this. It feels insane to ask for ten-to-twelve dollars shipping on a mug even though that's how much shipping should probably cost if you really think about the logistics involved... That means that this shipment is NOT TRACKED – ie no tracking number, ie it just shows up at your house one day. For hundreds of years this is how people got their mail and it worked just fine, and it still works just fine today, I promise.

IF you know me (Fran) and live in the greater NYC area and want to meet up for your mug to save on shipping, choose "customer pickup" when you are prompted to pick a shipping method. If we don't know each other but you live in NYC, please introduce yourself if we ever do meet; otherwise please accept that I don't want you coming to my house. If you choose customer pickup and don't live in the NYC area, your ass is NOT getting that mug!!!!!